Body Wise Movement

Body Wise Movement cultivates a playful dynamic experience of embodiment. 
We create space, opening long held wisdom within, bringing length, strength and awareness to our center and innate integrity to our alignment.
We support the untangling of long held limiting patterns.  This is a practice of learning a new body vocabulary and deepening our relationship with our own anatomy, our lifelong home. 
We are all welcome, we are all at the perfect place to start Body Wise Movement.

I rediscover parts of my body that I had lost touch with.
Body Wise is helping me with everyday activities like driving, doing the dishes, painting. I can think ‘What would be the Body Wise way of doing this?’ and it feels a lot better!
Body Wise deepens my body awareness and my body curiosity.

Body Wise Movement is taught in  6-8 week series format in Santa Cruz.  Class size is limited to 10 people so that individual attention can be given to each participant.

Body Wise Movement for Practitioners Series

Movement re-education series designed for people that work with bodies, teach others movement or provide healthcare (yoga teachers, body therapists, coaches). Experiential instruction in how to isolate, recognize and monitor integrity, proper mechanics and indicators for appropriate progression as well as anatomical education are integral parts of the series. 
